what is limited content?
So I immediately signed up with the "limited" account (no brainer right, I can think about spending $ when I get home)...but I've no idea what is open to the limited account in terms of videos. Granted I don't have a lot of time to poke around, but didn't see anything off hand. Do you have a page that shows what limited has access to? Thanks. Jason.
AdminSara Faatz (Admin, WintellectNow) commented
Thank you for your registration. Limited Access gives you access to a select few videos each month. Over the next few weeks we will be releasing a free video identifier so that you will know what you can access immediately. In the meantime check-out the following:
- http://www.wintellectnow.com/Videos/Watch/intellitrace
- http://www.wintellectnow.com/Videos/Watch/getting-started-with-windows-azure
- http://www.wintellectnow.com/Videos/Watch/authoring-jquery-plugins